
Admissions Spotlight

What to Ask Us at a College Fair

It’s wild to believe that the fall is quickly approaching, but we in the Office of Admission at Barnard College are eager to pack our bags and hit the road for the first time since 2019! While we have been able to meet some students at fairs this summer, we are eager to be able to meet you all in-person, at your schools, and in your own hometowns.

We know it can be overwhelming to ask questions that are important to you during a brief meeting during your free period or at our table during a college fair. Sometimes your head is swimming with questions as you are waiting to speak with us, then you get to the front of the line and your mind goes blank (kind of like when I am ordering my morning coffee…anyone else?). You’re not alone! This process has many question marks and everyone’s experience is different. What is important for you may not be important to another student, and vice versa. So, how can you make the most of your conversation with us? Our counselors have compiled a list of questions that may be most helpful for you to get to know Barnard (or any college, for that matter).

  • What does mentorship look like on campus?

  • What support is there for students with XYZ identity/experience?

  • What does studying (insert academic interest here) look like at Barnard/within the liberal arts?

    • And if you don’t know what the liberal arts are…ask!

  • How does Barnard practice being a women’s college?

  • Why did you choose to work at Barnard/what is your favorite thing about Barnard students?

  • What are some Barnard campus traditions?

  • How accessible is research? Internships?

  • How do students spend time outside of class?

  • What kinds of student support services around mental health are available? What about academic support?

  • Are there opportunities to speak with a Financial Aid representative before I apply?

Above all else, remember this: you don’t know what you don’t know, and that is ok! If you want to talk to your admissions representative (and we would love to hear from you) but don’t know what to ask, that’s fine. The more you get to know Barnard or any college and the more you understand what is important to you in this process, the more confident you will feel in asking more personalized questions.